
How to mount UFS2 on Windows?

The Unix file system (UFS) also called the  BSD Fast File System or FFS is a file system supported by many Unix like operating systems. This grandfather of file system was improved heavily by Marshall Kirk McKusick and is the standard file system for FreeBSD.  Also in Crossmeta driver the root file system image is being used as FFS inside the kernel.  Later UFS2 was introduced to support 64-bit file system structures, which Crossmeta cannot mount on windows. Now with Crossmeta FUSE for Windows there is read-only support not only for…

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Mingw32: Cross Compile to Windows From Linux

Cross Compile to Windows From Linux Introduction For Crossmeta FUSE (File System in User Space) that uses projects  mostly written for Linux platform that depends heavily on GNU tool chain, it will be quite challenging to adapt to Microsoft Build environment. I have been using the DDK BUILD environment even for building Win32 programs that are not drivers and it uses single MSVCRT.DLL for C Runtime library . This has miraculously saved me from the MSVCRT.DLL versioning nightmare that Visual…

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